Month: May 2016

  • I keep trying to write this

    But daily life...

    So my dad is out of the hospital so yay!!!! I had a great trip to Japan and no HUGE disasters happened, though some minor ones. Overall it was great. Maybe this traveling around with friends thing isn't such a bad idea :)

    Now I'm going to try and make myself actually work a lot of hours for the first time all year. I GOTTA make that money. I really wonder why I always feel so insecure about cash. Even now that I'm out of debt and have a little saved, I still feel like its all going to be swept away and I'll end up selling my TV on the street to pay my heating bill. Is it because I'm no longer married (come on, did I really feel financially secure when I was)? Know that there is no safety net with my parents? Grew up poor so it is now ingrained in me? I don't know. I'm always gearing up for a fight and push back on the rent increase, medical bills etc. My life is still a measure of frugality. No manicures, turn the AC lower, do the dogs REALLY need a sitter tomorrow night? etc etc etc. Does someone as paranoid as I am ever get comfortable?

    Any how besides being a cheap, hardass bitch life is OK and I can't complain. The man in my life and I have some pretty good anniversary plans coming up and I got good news that I friend from real life is moving to Charlotte this summer! Yay! Friends that aren't long distance! Is that even a thing anymore?

  • Japan Time!

    But first....

    Tomorrow I fly back to Florida to participate in my TENTH annual making of the Mother's Day flowers. TEN YEARS!?! I seriously can't believe it. I hope it goes by quickly and that I get to spend some time with my friends.

    Right after that I have a little 2-day trip to PBI for some fun in the sun with the man of my dreams (man on my guest pass, anyway!)

    THEN... I fulfill my friend Mandy's dream to travel to Japan! We will fly from Dallas to Narita and then down to Naha, Okinawa to visit our college friend who moved there about a year ago. Airline guest passes all around! Anyway, its an intense few days until the trip happens and then still.

    In the meantime, I replaced a roommate and gotta get the other one moved in, gotta pack for three trips (I'm making piles in my room right now) and gotta get dog-sitting scheduled for those days. eeeeeeekkkk! I will be so poor, so poor.

    The most intense thing is that my Dad started super Chemo this week. He's been throwing up for days already. On Friday they do a stem cell transplant and then he is basically quarantined from society until his white blood cell count is up. Cancer is a motherfucker. The treatment is also a fucking nightmare from hell. If I think about what he is going through I will just cry... so, NO! I'm just going to keep insanely busy instead, which is actually very natural for me.

    fingers cross.

May 2016
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